5 Things You Can Do Right NOW on Social Media

Business is anything but “normal” at this time, but that doesn’t mean social media efforts need to pause. People are spending more time at home which means they are spending more time than ever on the internet and social media platforms. Now is the time to get innovative with social media. Here are 5 things small businesses, big brands and influencers can do right now on social media to stay top-of-mind with consumers.

1. Go LIVE on Facebook or Instagram

Log on to Facebook and Instagram and I am 100% confident that you’ll see more small businesses, big brands and influencers participating in Livestreams. Livestreams are a great way to constructively connect with your online community, especially in this time of uncertainty. The two most important things to consider when going live, are 1. Have a plan for what will be discussed and 2. Make sure to announce 1-2 weeks in advance the topic/purpose and when the livestream is scheduled.

 Small Businesses: Livestream an interview with a key member of the business, host a DIY class or workshop that’s related to your business category.

 Big Brands:  Livestream a Q&A session, host a takeover by influencers/celebrities on the brand accounts or provide free fitness/meditation classes. The lingerie company @Yandy does a great job with this!


 Influencers: Partner with brands and do account livestream takeovers, share tutorials related to things you can do while respecting social distance guidelines and stay at home orders.

2. Inspire Hope with Feel-Good Messaging

Many are experiencing newsfeeds full of disheartening information regarding the realities of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Be the light in someone’s newsfeed by inspiring hope through feel-good messages.

Small Businesses: Share stories from local news sources of how the community is coming together to support each other.

Big Brands: Pivot messaging to be empathetic and helpful to those who are in need during this time.

Influencers: Share feel-good quotes, partner with brands that encourage self-care and let followers know you are there for them. @IhateBlonde has taken the initiative to inspire hope by posting her daily schedule of activities and offering support to her followers. 


3. Setup Social Media e-commerce

Many social platforms like Instagram and Facebook offer e-commerce support on business accounts. Now is the time to implement this tool in your digital marketing strategy.

Small Businesses: Create a digital storefront on social where people can purchase products like Dark Cycle Clothing. If you are a service industry business offer gift cards (tip: mention that a percentage of each gift card sold goes directly to the staff immediately).


Big Brands:  If your products are not already listed on social media e-commerce, then now is the time to do it!

Influencers: More likely than not, you are already selling products through affiliate links. Continue to do this but be mindful of your messaging and the brands you are partnering with during this time. Always ask yourself the question: does this make sense to sell right now during the conditions people are living under? 

4. Create at Home Activities and Integrate into Your Content Plan  

The trending TikTok song “I’m bored in the house and I’m in the house bored” perfectly describes what most people are going through right now. Provide through social media posts content that includes creative home activities. Keep it as simple or complex as you’d like, but make sure it’s “on brand” with your product, service or personality.  

Small Businesses: Create crossword puzzles, scavenger hunts or recipe recommendations.

Big Brands: Develop virtual on-demand classes, playlists on Spotify or start a book club. OtterBox has created a unique post on a creative way people are using their time indoors.


Influencers: document trying on new clothes and accessories, create TikTok challenges or share cooking/cleaning hacks and beauty tips.

5. Be Philanthropic

It’s more important than ever to humanize your business, brand and yourself. Consider how you, your business, or brand can help out those in need during the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Small Businesses: Share how your business is supporting the local community (examples: start a food or PPE drive, free rolls of toilet paper with every meal, producing hand sanitizer or providing first responders with complimentary services).

Big Brands:  Share information on how the brand is helping those in need during this time (examples: waiving subscription fees, lowering premiums, manufacturing PPE on a mass scale)

Influencers: Share charitable foundation partnerships to help those in need during these difficult times. Create a program like NYC-based Influencer @Tezza and find a way to highlight first responders.


Daily life has changed, and no one is clear when or if things will ever go back to normal. The silver lining to all of this is we are living in a time of opportunity to get creative in how we interact with our audiences. As a Digital Marketing and Social Media Strategist, I am eager to continue to assist small businesses, big brands and influencers by providing insight on new digital strategies.